OptionSource Risk Analysis Settings

To perform a Risk Analysis for a position, click the button on the OptionSource Active Plug-In toolbar.

(The Position Pane must contain a position, i.e. at least one cell in the Qty column must be nonzero).


The Risk Analysis, Table, and Chart panes will appear.


The Risk Analysis Pane has three controls that are used to change the results in the Table and the Graph:



The X Axis and Contour can be set to one of four risk variables:



(The X Axis and Contour cannot be set to the same risk variable).


The X Axis and Contour have Begin, Step, and End settings.  Increasing the Step will result in more calculations (a larger Table), slower update time, and sometimes smoother curves in the Chart.


The Y Axis (risk analysis results) can be set to: ($)Theoretical Value, ($)P/L, Delta, Gamma, ($)Theta, or ($)Vega.


Below the Y Axis setting is the Base Underlying and the basis for the other underlying contracts.



Beginning with Workstation 3.3, Risk Analysis Setting are retained when the Analysis Pane is closed and reopened.   

To reset Risk Analysis Setting, click the Reinit Range button on the OptionSource Toolbar.