The NetHouse service provides trade statistic values for Canadian Markets. Users can view calculated statistic values for all trades or block trades (trade size > = 10,000 shares) for specific time periods.
The Net House window's Footer displays Buy Value, Buy Volume, Sell Value, Sell Volume, Net Value, Net Volume and Total Volume. The footer bar can be chosen for display through the “Show Footer” command in the Formatting area of the Display Properties dialog box of the Net House window.
Search is found to the right of the Symbol Entry field.
Search can be made by Symbol, Name/Keyword or CUSIP
Since Net House is for Canadian markets be sure to choose Canadian Securities
After the results are returned click on selections to have them pasted into the Symbol Field.
In addition to the Symbol textbox, Search, and the right hand window controls, Net House has 2 filters available to restrict the results returned by trade type or time period.
All Trades and Block Trades are the 2 options available for Trade types.
Today, This Week and This Month (calendar month) are the predefined options.
Selecting Custom Period adds 2 calendar picker sections to the toolbar where the desired begin and end dates can be chosen
Selecting Custom # Days adds a Number entry box in which the number of days back from the current day can be entered either by keyboard or by clicking the up or down arrow to increment or decrement the number of days to display.
The right arrow (Go) will send the request to the server, while the button with the circular arrows will cause the page to refresh.
When several symbols have been added to the NetHouse Window they can then be re-accessed by using the pulldown menu which can be accessed by the down arrow to the right of the Symbol Entry field