Symbol Overlays

The new chart window in FutureSource will now allow you to overlay multiple symbols in a single chart window. This is done via the Add and Change Menu. Enter the symbol to be overlaid and use the Add button pulldown. Alternatively, the Compare button will also add the symbol as an overlay in Pane #1.

In order that chart patterns can be compared more directly, the new symbol may also have its own scale. In the example below, the Light Crude data uses the scale on the left

Add Menu


Menu Description

Add to New Pane

Adds symbol to a new Pane in existing Window

Add as Overlay

Adds symbol to existing Pane using its own Scale

Add to Existing Scale

Adds symbol to existing Pane using existing scale


 When the Add button is pressed without selecting an option from the Drop Down, New Pane is the Default.

When more than one symbol exists, you will see additional options on the drop down indicating pane or scale Number.

Change Menu

To change an existing symbol in a chart with multiple symbols, enter your new symbol in the symbol input box and use the change menu to select existing symbol to replace.

Example of an Area Chart with 2 additional Line charts added to the existing scale.